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The safest countries in the World

When traveling, safety should always be your number one priority. While traveling, putting yourself in vulnerable positions for people to take advantage of you is never a good idea and it can lead to serious problems. Every country has both safe and unsafe elements. In this blog, I will share the safest countries in the world. Before we dive in I want to let you know that my list is inspired by different research, different index by independent organizations, and my own personal experiences after visiting several countries.

1. Japan:

Japan is definitely one of my favorite countries in the world. I’ve been there for more than 1 month and the country is so safe, that murder or robbery or anything like that is very rare to listen to. Japanese society is a very respectful and amazing Society and the people really do look after each other. People don’t lock their Homes and Cars. It is so safe that you can walk around 3 in the morning whether you’re a girl or boy doesn’t matter. If you leave your wallet or money in a restaurant or a public place, it is not surprising to find the thing in the same place if you return after some time.

2. Austria:

Austria is one of the safest countries in Europe, according to a recent report from European Commission. The report, which was based on crime data from Eurostat and the World Bank, found that Austria’s murder rate is at an all-time low. The country’s murder rate has dropped sharply since 2012 when there were 0.4 murders per 100,000 residents. In 2016, that number was down to only 0.1 murders per 100,000 residents. Austria also had one of the lowest rates of thefts and burglaries in Europe. It ranked fifth place globally for its overall safety rating, just behind Norway and Finland.

3. Tuvalu:

Tuvalu is located about halfway between Hawaii and Australia, about 4,000 miles from each. It consists of nine coral atolls with a total land area of 26 square miles (67 square kilometers). Tuvalu is a beautiful, safe country. It’s very welcoming to tourists and the people who live there. The only jail there has never been used—in fact, it’s so unused that it doesn’t even have any prisoners.

4. Bhutan

Bhutan is a hidden gem, sandwiched between India and China. It’s one of the most peaceful countries in the world, with a very low crime rate. The people of Bhutan are some of the most peaceful in the world—and they’re proud of it! They have a crime rate lower than any other country on Earth—so if you’re looking for a safe place to visit, look no further. It’s actually the only nation in the world that is carbon negative.

5. Kuwait:

Kuwait is my favorite country in all of the golf. I think it’s number one as the safest country in the world. The country has a huge tourist appeal, and it’s not just because of the beautiful desert scenery, but also because of the friendly people who live there. The country has been ranked as one of the safest countries in the world for many years now, and this makes it an ideal place for families to visit.

6. Malawi:

When it comes to Africa I think the safest country on the continent is Malawi. Malawi is located in southern Africa and is known for its beautiful scenery, friendly people, and lots of wildlife. If you are looking for a safe place to visit in Africa, this is it! The people are extremely happy and very fun to be around and I had no problem making friends on the street. They just come to me with big smiles on and even though they may not have much they offered me whatever and I just had a wonderful time in Malawi.

7. South Korea:

Like Japan, South Korea is one of the safest countries in the world. It has a very low crime rate, and there are very few incidents of violence. The police force in South Korea does not carry weapons, which contributes to the general safety of the country. The country is so safe that, you can leave your door unlocked and you would never feel a hint of danger while walking around the streets at night.

8. New Zealand:

The final safest country I want to tell you about today is New Zealand. The country that has more sheep than people. I spent 9 Days traveling around mostly the South Island of Arran you will feel like straight in a movie when you’re there. My drive around New Zealand from south Queenstown to Wellington is just phenomenal and I was really happy that people are so welcoming & so genuine. It’s indeed one of the most incredible countries in the world

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